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CITADEL 2023 - 2024 WESTMONT COLLEGECITADEL 2023-2024 Volume 84 Westmont College 955 La Paz Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93108 title page 001002 table of contentsTABLE OF CONTENTS RESIDENTIAL LIFE............................................................................6 - 23 STUDENT LIFE..................................................................................24 - 57 ACADEMICS.....................................................................................58 - 85 ATHLETICS.....................................................................................86 - 113 GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT............................................................114 - 145 PORTRAITS..................................................................................146 - 169 SENIOR DEDICATIONS.............................................................170 - 201 STAFF.............................................................................................202 - 211 INDEX............................................................................................212 - 223 table of contents 003THEME EXPLANATION 004 theme explanationYou are invited to open and enjoy this year’s record of the 2023- 2024 school year. This year, like all others, has had its moments of joy and excitement as well as difficulties and exhaustion. The hardships of feeling overwhelmed, cramming for exams, and trying to figure out what we want to do in life after college can be draining. At the same time, the excitement of learning, making friends, and exploring the beautiful place we live in can be exhilarating. This year’s edition of Citadel aims to capture both the hard work and excitement that make up a year at Westmont College. The theme of this year’s book, the eighty-fourth edition of the Citadel, is fellowship. Fellowship was drawn from Christ’s teachings of how we should interact with those around us. In John chapter 13, verses 34-35, Jesus taught, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Jesus calls us to love one another. The phrase ‘one another’ is repeated multiple times in Jesus’ teachings and is where the theme inspiration came from. As Westmont students navigate their college lives, differing opinions are constantly being encountered. We inevitably will meet people over the course of our lives that we don’t agree with or hold beliefs that we don’t understand. Disagreements are part of life. While this can be challenging and upsetting, it is important that we remember to respect the people we encounter. It’s definitely easier said than done, and no one is perfect. Regardless, our aim should be to love one another. We are all Westmont students, but more importantly, we are all God’s children. So, our hope is that this edition of Citadel can serve as a reminder of the importance of loving our neighbors and living in fellowship with one another. DEAR WESTMONT, theme explanation 005Next >